Wait, I need to know

  • What are NFTs?

    NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and can’t be replicated. Nerd-to-human translation: NFTs are the code version of ownership papers. No one else has it but you.

  • How do I get one?

    Pretty simple: you can buy them from us. Make sure you have a crypto wallet and some Ethereum there. We have more detailed instructions in our blog.

  • How do I make sure my NFT is unique?

    Once you own it, you can do whatever you want - just like with stuff bought anywhere else. If you’d like to resell NFTs, read our step-by-step guide.

  • Can I resell my NFT?

    NFTs are uniqueby definition. As the name suggests, they are non-fungible, i.e. one NFT is not equal to another and no two NFTs are the same.
    However, there is a problem of how to verify the authenticity of the NFT and the artwork behind it. Fraudsters often sell NFTs without artists' consent.

Prime membership

If you’re not too impressed yet, get ready for this: more stuff is available with the Pro subscription! Get pre-launch access to the market drops and exclusive collections of the best NFT collection in the observable universe.